Compendium vs Nestor - knowledge organization tools

Spent some time trying to figure out the key features of two knowledge-organization tools, Compendium and Nestor. Here is a an initial report on them..

Compendium Compendium has a database in the background so all the searches are faster and more efficient, plus it is strongly based on argumentation theory. That means that you can easily map different positions in relation to their role in an argumentation, and then use this structure to retrieve things like "who supports/opposes what"

Image compendium-1.jpg

Image compendium-2.jpg

Nestor Nestor instead links browser information into a concept map. It lets u re-organize web-material very efficiently, export in html, annotate portions of the material. Seems very well suited for doing online research.

Image nestor-1.png

Image nestor-2.png

See also

A lot of useful information on such topics can be found on the 'Knowledge Cartography' book.

Image kg_book.jpg

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Michele Pasin. Compendium vs Nestor - knowledge organization tools. Blog post on Published on June 29, 2006.

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See also:


paper  Using Linked Open Data to Bootstrap a Knowledge Base of Classical Texts

WHiSe 2017 - 2nd Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (colocated with ISWC17), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017.


paper  Capturing Knowledge About Philosophy

Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP07), Whistler, BC, Canada, Oct 2007. pp. 47-54

paper  AquaLog: An ontology-driven question answering system for organizational semantic intranets

Journal of Web Semantics, Sep 2007. Vol. 5, 2, (72-105), Elsevier


paper  Theory of Knowledge in the Postfordistic Society

Undergraduate degree thesis in italian (kindly published as a white-paper by ItConsult SRL), Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy, Sep 2003.