Nov 2016


Apple Keynote: extracting presenter notes to Markdown

Here's a simple AppleScript that makes it easier to extract presenter notes from a Keynote presentation and save them to a nice Markdown document.

If you're using Apple Keynote, you may have noticed that there isn't an easy way to extract the presenter notes attached to your slides (of course you could do it manually, one slide at a time, but that's pretty tedious!).

The following AppleScript code allows you to automate this action by pulling out all presenter notes from an open presentation and save them to a Markdown file.

Inspired by:-

More on AppleScript:

Cite this blog post:

Michele Pasin. Apple Keynote: extracting presenter notes to Markdown. Blog post on Published on Nov. 3, 2016.

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See also:


paper Turn your Notes and Highlights into Research Ideas

Force11 - Research Communications and e-Scholarship conference, Oxford, UK, Jan 2015.