graphics – Parerga und Paralipomena At the core of all well-founded belief lies belief that is unfounded - Wittgenstein Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:32:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 13825966 Raphael: js library for Scalar Vector Graphics Sun, 19 Sep 2010 22:32:57 +0000 I don’t do much (web) front-end design usually, although often I find it vital to visualize my ideas using some sort of basic but functional UI-kit. Well, if you’re like me, you’ll probably be happy to know about Raphael. This is a javascript library that sits on top of the SVG specifications and provides a set of (very straighforward) APIs for creating vector graphics and animations in most browsers.

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a family of specifications of an XML-based file format for describing two-dimensional vector graphics, both static and dynamic (i.e. interactive or animated).
The SVG specification is an open standard that has been under development by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) since 1999.
SVG images and their behaviors are defined in XML text files. This means that they can be searched, indexed, scripted and, if required, compressed. Since they are XML files, SVG images can be created and edited with any text editor, but specialized SVG-based drawing programs are also available.

Writing SVG stuff can be very painful, but using Raphael it almost becomes fun. The official site gives you various examples (eg check out the slick polar clock, or the diagram elements), and code that shows how easy it is to get started:

Screen shot 2010-09-19 at 23.15.05.png

Looking forward to spend more time on this. For now, I’ve just collected a few good learning resources about it, which I thought I’d share:

  • The official homepage, which contains various examples and all the documentation
  • An Introduction to the Raphael JS Library: a nice blog post that shows how to build a little mood meter from the ground up
  • Another blog post showing how to create a typical “progress throbber”, as seen in Apple interfaces, with a few lines of code
  • Raphael Live: a simulator of the js library, for testing your code easily within a browser’s window
  • Lots of categorized raphael examples at
  • An interesting discussion about the advantages of Raphael vs jQuery SVG (also, make sure you check out all the questions tagged ‘raphael’ at stackoverflow)
  • Below, some screenshots of a fancy clock, a tiger, and a graph, all built entirely via Raphael.

    Screen shot 2010-09-19 at 23.30.43.png

    Screen shot 2010-09-19 at 23.34.19.png

    Screen shot 2010-09-19 at 23.34.32.png


    Tale of tales: artistic interactive games from Belgium Thu, 11 Mar 2010 04:58:20 +0000

    Tale of Tales is a games development studio, founded by Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn in Belgium in 2002 (*).

    The purpose of Tale of Tales is to create elegant and emotionally rich interactive entertainment. We explicitly want to cater to people who are not enchanted by most contemporary computer games, or who wouldn’t mind more variety in their gameplay experiences. For this purpose, all of our products feature innovative forms of interaction, engaging poetic narratives and simple controls.

    I run into these guys pretty much accidentally but I’ve been conquered straightaway by their work. Probably it’s because I share with them some sort of passion for gloomy, mysterious, melancholic and almost depressed atmospheres, or because adventure-like (a la zac-mccraken) 3d games have always had an effect on me. All of this served with a clear intention to make a work of art, not just a game.
    But anyways – definitely worth checking them out imho. Especially cause they give you various demos of their work for free (for both mac and pc)! Including:

    The Path

    The graveyard


    (for iPhone)

    The After/AfterParty Tue, 16 Feb 2010 11:08:01 +0000
    A graphical project made with Processing, inspired by the furry cones outside NY’s P.S.1.

    download it here

    Organic SuperShapes app Sat, 06 Feb 2010 04:46:46 +0000
    A nice little app built with Processing for creating shapes of various kinds; see a video here or you can download the application here (works on mac/win/linux).

    Pyglet: multimedia library for python Sat, 12 Dec 2009 21:05:02 +0000 UPDATE 30/03/1: Just realized that unfortunately pyglet doesn’t play well with the latest 64bit architecture of oSX. A real shame, as this obviously breaks Pyglet’s famed run-anywhere feature. There are reasons to think that the next version will fix this problem (check out this thread for more info).. but for the moment, I guess that the only alternative is falling back to PyOpenGl.
    UPDATE 14/12/09: pyProcessing is a project building on pyglet that that creates an environment for graphics applications that closely resembles that of the Processing system. Quite neat uh?

    Pyglet provides an object-oriented programming interface for developing games and other visually-rich applications for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. I’ve been playing with it for an hour or so, and was surprised of how quickly it can let you create a python-based multimedia application.

    Some of the features of pyglet are:

    No external dependencies or installation requirements. For most application and game requirements, pyglet needs nothing else besides Python, simplifying distribution and installation.
    Take advantage of multiple windows and multi-monitor desktops. pyglet allows you to use as many windows as you need, and is fully aware of multi-monitor setups for use with fullscreen games.
    Load images, sound, music and video in almost any format. pyglet can optionally use AVbin to play back audio formats such as MP3, OGG/Vorbis and WMA, and video formats such as DivX, MPEG-2, H.264, WMV and Xvid.

    Two possibly useful tips when getting started:

    – Go get AVBIN without hesitations, as you’ll need it. MP3 and other compressed audio formats require AVbin to be installed (this is the default for the Windows and Mac OS X installers). Uncompressed WAV files can be played without AVbin.

    – [tested on OSx leopard only] If you try running the hello-world example from the console, after hitting window = pyglet.window.Window() you’ll see a new window appearing on your screen. That looks like good news obviously, but soon you’ll find out that the Finder doesn’t like that, and apparently the Python launcher results being as ‘not responding’ on the Force Quit Application menu. Well nothing to worry there: it’s because you haven’t issued the command yet (which is where the main event loop gets handled).

    The screenshot above is taken from one of the example apps you can download. Balls keeps bouncing around in a window, playing a sound when they hit the border. Check out the code:

    import os
    import random
    import sys
    from import *
    import pyglet
    from pyglet.window import key
    BALL_IMAGE = 'ball.png'
    BALL_SOUND = 'ball.wav'
    if len(sys.argv) > 1:
        BALL_SOUND = sys.argv[1]
    sound =, streaming=False)
    class Ball(pyglet.sprite.Sprite):
        ball_image = pyglet.resource.image(BALL_IMAGE)
        width = ball_image.width
        height = ball_image.height
        def __init__(self):
            x = random.random() * (window.width - self.width)
            y = random.random() * (window.height - self.height)
            super(Ball, self).__init__(self.ball_image, x, y, batch=balls_batch)
            self.dx = (random.random() - 0.5) * 1000
            self.dy = (random.random() - 0.5) * 1000
        def update(self, dt):
            if self.x = window.width:
                self.dx *= -1
            if self.y = window.height:
                self.dy *= -1
            self.x += self.dx * dt
            self.y += self.dy * dt
            self.x = min(max(self.x, 0), window.width - self.width)
            self.y = min(max(self.y, 0), window.height - self.height)
    window = pyglet.window.Window(640, 480)
    def on_key_press(symbol, modifiers):
        if symbol == key.SPACE:
        elif symbol == key.BACKSPACE:
            if balls:
                del balls[-1]
        elif symbol == key.ESCAPE:
            window.has_exit = True
    def on_draw():
    def update(dt):
        for ball in balls:
    pyglet.clock.schedule_interval(update, 1/30.)
    balls_batch =
    balls = []
    label = pyglet.text.Label('Press space to add a ball, backspace to remove',
                              x=window.width // 2, y=10,
    if __name__ == '__main__':


    Graphics over code in Impromptu Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:14:36 +0000

    Andrew Sorensen posted some code in the Impromptu mailing list showing how to add graphics (and various other things) on top of a code ‘image’. As usual I regret not having a whole free day to play with this, but just by messing around a bit with some parameters it’s easy to achieve some interesting effects…

    Here’s the source code from Andrew:

    (define canvas (gfx:make-canvas 640 480))
    (define gl (gl:make-opengl))
    (gl:open-opengl gl '(0 0 640 480))
    ;; draw code behind a rotating cube
    ;; if you wanted you could now call gfx:start-movie-capture
    ;; and pass the gl context where canvas usually goes.
    (define loop-gl
        (lambda (beat)
           (let* ((code (gfx:get-code-image))
                  (flipped (gfx:flip-image code))
                  (width (car (gfx:get-image-size code)))
                  (height (cdr (gfx:get-image-size code))))
              (gl:clear gl (+ *gl:color-buffer-bit* *gl:depth-buffer-bit*))
              (gl:window-pos gl 0 0 .99)
              (gl:draw-pixels gl width height *gl:rgba* *gl:unsigned-byte* flipped)
              (gl:load-identity gl)
              (gl:translate gl 0 0 .5)
              (gl:rotate gl (* beat 10) 1 1 1)
              (gl:color gl 1 1 1 1)
              (glut:wire-cube gl 0.5)
              (gl:flush gl)
              (gl:update-backing-image gl)
              (objc:release (+ (now) 5000) code flipped)
              (callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 1/6))) 'loop-gl (+ beat 1/6)))))
    (loop-gl (*metro* 'get-beat 4))8
    ;; define an image to use as layer3
    (define layer3 (gfx:make-image 640 480))
    ;; draw paths to layer3
    (define draw-on-layer3
        (lambda (beat)
           (gfx:clear-image layer3)
           (dotimes (i 10)
              (gfx:path2image (gfx:make-circle (cosr 320 200 (/ i 100))
                                               (sinr 240 200 (/ i 100))
                              '() (list (/ i 5) 0 1 1)))
           (callback (*metro* (+ beat (* .5 1/6))) 'draw-on-layer3 (+ beat 1/6))))
    (draw-on-layer3 (*metro* 'get-beat 4))
    ;; draw video and layer3 transparently into the opengl bitmap
    ;; then render the opengl bitmap to the canvas
    ;; You could easily replace
    ;; (gl:get-image-from-opengl gl) with (gfx:get-code-image)
    ;; if you didn't want to use any opengl
    (define capture-code
        (lambda (time)
           (let ((video (gfx:get-live-frame))
                 (opengl (gl:get-image-from-opengl gl)))
              (gfx:image2image video opengl .3)
              (gfx:image2image layer3 opengl 1)
              (gfx:draw-image time canvas opengl .9)
              (objc:release (+ time 5000) opengl video))
           (callback (+ time 2000) 'capture-code (+ time 5000))))
    (capture-code (now))
    ;; start-movie-capture takes a canvas OR an opengl context
    ;; so you could call (gfx:start-movie-capture gl ...
    ;; as long as your gl code calls gl:update-backing-image
    (gfx:start-movie-capture canvas "~/tmp/" #t)
    ;(gfx:stop-movie-capture canvas)
    Installing PyGraphviz [tested on OSx Leopard] Wed, 14 Oct 2009 14:43:42 +0000 PyGraphviz is a Python interface to the Graphviz graph layout and visualization package. With PyGraphviz you can create, edit, read, write, and draw graphs using Python to access the Graphviz graph data structure and layout algorithms.

    [I was doing this in order to benefit from some of the django-command-extension functionalities]

    1. Get graphviz here and install it (should be straightforward)

    2. Download PyGraphViz. Make sure you download the source package. It’s possible to install it through easy_install but it would throw the following error:

    bash-3.2$ easy_install pygraphviz
    Searching for pygraphviz
    Best match: pygraphviz 0.99.1
    Running pygraphviz-0.99.1/ -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /var/folders/Cm/C.........
    Trying pkg-config
    /bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found
    /bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found
    Trying dotneato-config
    Failed to find dotneato-config
    Your graphviz installation could not be found.
    Either the graphviz package is missing on incomplete
    (binary packages graphviz-dev or graphviz-devel missing?).
    If you think your installation is correct you will need to manually
    change the include_path and library_path variables in to
    point to the correct locations of your graphviz installation.
    The current setting of library_path and include_path is:
    error: None

    3. Change by specifying where your graphViz installation is [more info here]:

    # library_path=None
    # include_path=None

    4. Install:

    bash-3.2$ python install
    running install
    running build
    running build_py
    creating build/lib.macosx-10.4-i386-2.5
    creating build/lib.macosx-10.4-i386-2.5/pygraphviz
    copying pygraphviz/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.4-i386-2.5/pygraphviz
    copying pygraphviz/ -> build/lib.macosx-10.4-i386-2.5/pygraphviz
    [...... etc. etc.......]

    5. Enjoy!:

    >>> import pygraphviz as pgv
    >>> G=pgv.AGraph()
    >>> G.add_node('a')
    >>> G.add_edge('b','c')
    >>> G
    strict graph {
            b -- c;
    #To load a dot file use
    >>> G=pgv.AGraph("")


    ]]> 3 370
    Opening UIF files on Mac Thu, 16 Apr 2009 12:57:32 +0000 The UIF file extension stands for Universal Image Format. An UIF file contains a compressed disk image – basically it is an exact copy of a CD or a DVD. Just like the more common ISO filetype, the UIF format is typically used to create CD/DVD backups.

    Long story short: I was getting a headache trying to open one of these files on a mac. Here is a nice little app that solved my problems…


