Ontospy 1.9.8 released

Ontospy version 1.9.8 has been just released and it contains tons of improvements and new features. Ontospy is a lightweight open-source Python library and command line tool for working with vocabularies encoded in the RDF family of languages.

Over the past month I’ve been working on a new version of Ontospy, which is now available for download on Pypi.


What’s new in this version

  • The library to generate ontology documentation (as html or markdown) is now included within the main Ontospy distribution. Previously this library was distributed separately under the name ontodocs.  The main problem with this approach is that keeping the two projects in sync was becoming too time-consuming for me, so I’ve decided to merge them. NOTE one can still choose whether or not to include this extra library when installing.
  • You can print out the raw RDF data being returned via command line argument.
  • One can decided whether or not to include ‘inferred’ schema definitions extracted from an RDF payload. The inferences are pretty basic for now (eg the object of rdf:type statements is taken to be a type) but this allows for example to quickly dereference a DBpedia URI and pull out all types/predicates being used.
  • The online documentation are now hosted on github pages and available within the /docs folder of the project.
  • Improved support for JSON-LD and a new utility for quickly sending JSON-LD data to the online playground tool.
  • Several other bug fixes and improvements, in particular to the interactive ontology exploration mode (shell command), the visualization library (new visualizations are available – albeit still in alpha state).


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