

blog  Article: Thought and Performance, Live Coding Music, Explained to Anyone.

Dec 2011

I bookmarked this article on createdigitalmusic.com a while ago (it's from Jul 2010) and ran into it again today.. "Thought and Performance, Live Coding Music, Explained to Anyone – Really" by Peter Kirn contains several simple but thought provoking ideas about livecoding and its relevance in the (traditional) music world.

blog  Article: Algorithmic Composition: Computational Thinking in Music.

Oct 2011

An article by Michael Edwards on algorithmic composition has been published last month on the Communications of the ACM journal. The article is titled Algorithmic Composition: Computational Thinking in Music.


blog  BBC article on interactive art at Goldsmith University (London).

Mar 2010

An interesting BBC article about the interactive art being produced by Goldsmiths students.