blog Epistemic Logic.
Feb 2008
It's nice when a few people's interests happen to converge. You start tackling problems together, and learning as a group. This is what happened KMi recently with the Epistemic Logic interest group. We've decided to start a seminar, trying to make sense of the 'epistemic logic' area and possibly draw some useful tips from it.
blog How semantic is the semantic web?.
Jan 2008
Just read this article thanks to a colleague: I share pretty much everything it says about the SW, so I though it wouldn't be too bad to pass it on to the next reader. Basically, it is about some very fundamental issues: what do we mean by semantics? Does a computer have semantics? If not, what's the point of the name 'Semantic Web'? I think that it's quite un-controversial the fact that the choice of the name 'semantic' web is controversial.