

blog  Ontospy 1.9.8 released.

Jan 2019

Ontospy version 1.9.8 has been just released and it contains tons of improvements and new features. Ontospy is a lightweight open-source Python library and command line tool for working with vocabularies encoded in the RDF family of languages.


blog  PySciGraph: simple API for accessing SN SciGraph content.

Jun 2018

PySciGraph is a small open source Python library that makes it easier to access data from Springer Nature SciGraph. It is available on Pypi and Github. I created it mainly because I wanted to be able to quickly check from the command line whether an object exists in SN SciGraph, or what metadata it returns. But of course this could be developed further e.g. so to allow to navigate the graph by following links from one object to the other.

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