

blog  More Jupyter notebooks: pyvis and networkx.

Aug 2020

Lately I've been spending more time creating Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use the Dimensions API for research analytics. In this post I'll talk a little bit about two cool Python libraries I've recenlty discovered for working with graph data: pyvis and networkx.

blog  Getting to grips with Google Colab.

Jan 2020

I've been using Google Colab on a regular basis during the last few months, as I was curious to see whether I could make the switch to it (from a more traditional Jupyter/Jupyterlab environment). As it turns out, Colab is pretty amazing in many respects but there are still situations where a local Jupyter notebook is my first choice. Keep reading to discover why!


blog  Running interactive Jupyter demos with mybinder.org.

May 2019

The online tool mybinder.org allows to turn a Git repo into a collection of interactive notebooks with one click.