

blog  Italian public spending data: a review.

Dec 2014

The Italian government recently announced a new portal containing data on public spending: http://soldipubblici.gov.it. This is obviously great news; the website is still in beta though so in what follows I'd like to put forward a few (hopefully constructive) comments and desires for how it could/should be developed further.


blog  Working toward meritocracy in Italy.

Jan 2011

It's no news that thousands of italian researchers left their home-country in order to be able to carry on doing what they like; the news though is that now we're got also a scientific study shedding some light on the phenomena. It's been done by the Via Academy, an association dedicated to the creation of statistical analyses of the research outputs of italians (which are published on the TIS reports website).


blog  The anti-internet saga continues.

Feb 2010

Now Italy's government is trying to bog down internet providers by making them responsible for the (supposedly) illicit contents published on the web. In short, a dictatorship-worthy blackmailing proposal.

blog  Links 4/1/10.

Jan 2010

Links on miscellaneous topics from the last week or so:


blog  Satire you won't be able to listen to in Italy.

Aug 2009

I couldn't help passing this on (from BBC's Mock of the Week):

blog  Spread the word: the italian circus goes to the EU.

Apr 2009

I think I'll start using this mostly technical blog to help in spreading the word about the incredible political situation in italy. What I'm talking about? You can probably catch up on the latest from corrupted Italy by reading Beppe Grillo's blog..... it's good for a laugh too, if you dont feel like talking about politics.