blog SciGraph 2017-2023.
Feb 2023
Springer Nature retired SciGraph earlier this month. I have been the data architect and then technical lead for this project, so this is post is just a reminder of the great things we did in it. Also, a little rant about the things that weren't that great...
blog SN SciGraph Latest Release: Patents, Clinical Trials and many new features.
Mar 2019
We are pleased to announce the third release of Springer Nature Scigraph Linked Open Data. SN SciGraph is a Linked Data platform that collates information from across the research landscape, i.e. the things, documents, people, places and relations of importance to the science and scholarly domain.
blog Exploring scholarly publications using DBPedia concepts: an experiment.
Nov 2018
This post is about a recent prototype I developed, which allows to explore a sample collection of Springer Nature publications using subject tags automatically extracted from DBPedia.
blog SN SciGraph: more related objects links increase discoverability of content.
Aug 2018
The latest release of SN SciGraph Explorer includes a number of new features that make it easier to navigate the scholarly knowledge graph and discover items of interest.
blog PySciGraph: simple API for accessing SN SciGraph content.
Jun 2018
PySciGraph is a small open source Python library that makes it easier to access data from Springer Nature SciGraph. It is available on Pypi and Github. I created it mainly because I wanted to be able to quickly check from the command line whether an object exists in SN SciGraph, or what metadata it returns. But of course this could be developed further e.g. so to allow to navigate the graph by following links from one object to the other.
blog SN SciGraph is part of the Linked Open Data Cloud 2018.
May 2018
The latest Linked Open Data (LOD) Cloud has been recently made available by the Insights Centre for Data Analytics. The LOD cloud is a visual representation of the datasets (and the links among them) that have been published according to the Linked Data principles - a web-friendly methodology for data sharing that encourages open schemas and data reuse.
blog Exploring SciGraph data using JSON-LD, Elastic Search and Kibana.
Apr 2017
Hello there data lovers! In this post you can find some information on how to download and make some sense of the scholarly dataset recently made available by the Springer Nature SciGraph project, by using the freely available Elasticsearch suite of software.
blog Leipzig Semantics 2016 conference.
Oct 2016
A few weeks ago I attended the Semantics conference in Leipzig, so here's a short report about the event.
blog Open Data Summit 2016.
Oct 2016
On November 1st we were invited to present the Scigraph project at the London ODI Summit, the annual event organized by the Open Data Institute to review and discuss the social and economic impact of open data in both the public and commercial sectors.
blog Recent projects from CrossRef.org.
Jun 2015
We spent the day with the CrossRef team in Oxford last week, talking about our recent work in the linked data space (see the nature ontologies portal) and their recent initiatives in the scholarly publishing area.
blog Nature.com ontologies portal available online.
Apr 2015
The Nature ontologies portal is new section of the nature.com site that describes our involvement with semantic technologies and also makes available to the wider public several models and datasets as RDF linked data.
blog A few useful Linked Data resources.
Mar 2011
Done a bit of semantic web work in the last couple of weeks, which gave me a chance to explore better the current web-scenario around this topic. I'm working on some example applications myself, but in the meanwhile I thought I'd share here a couple of quite useful links I ran into.
blog Survey of Pythonic tools for RDF and Linked Data programming.
Feb 2011
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) is a data model and language which is quickly gaining momentum in the open-data and data-integration worlds. In this post I'm reporting on a recent survey I made in the context of a Linked Data project I'm working on, SAILS. In SAILS we're developing a prototype for RDF-data manipulation and querying, but since the final application will be written in Python and Django, in what follows I tried to gather information about all the existing libraries and frameworks for doing RDF-programming using python.
blog Roman Port Networks project.
Jul 2009
The Roman Port Networks Project is a collaboration between 30 European partners, examining the connections between Roman ports across the Mediterranean. The project has received financial support from the British Academy (BASIS) and the University of Southampton (School of Humanities, Department of Archaeology and School of Electronics and Computing Science).
blog DBpedia rocks.
Sep 2007
It's not the only semweb repository out there, but for sure it's the more interesting. The whole wikipedia has been translated into RDF and made queryable through SPARQL.. lots of potential mashups waiting to be discovered! At the moment i'm looking at integrating the philosophy KB i've created with information from there... but I hope there'll be time to experiment too...
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