
Building a Linked Open Data Knowledge Graph



Full reference:

Michele Pasin. Building a Linked Open Data Knowledge Graph - Frankfurt Book Fair 2017 Frankfurt, Germany October 2017 . PDF

See also:



paper  Modeling publications in SN SciGraph 2012-2019

Workshop on Scholarly Digital Editions, Graph Data-Models and Semantic Web Technologies, Université de Lausanne, Jun 2019.

paper  Interlinking SciGraph and DBpedia datasets using Link Discovery and Named Entity Recognition Techniques

Second biennial conference on Language, Data and Knowledge (LDK 2019), Leipzig, Germany, May 2019.


paper  Data integration and disintegration: Managing Springer Nature SciGraph with SHACL and OWL

Industry Track, International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-17), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017.

paper  Using Linked Open Data to Bootstrap a Knowledge Base of Classical Texts

WHiSe 2017 - 2nd Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (colocated with ISWC17), Vienna, Austria, Oct 2017.


paper  Insights into Nature’s Data Publishing Portal

The Semantic Puzzle (online interview), Apr 2016.


paper  Learning how to become a linked data publisher: the nature.com ontologies portal.

5th Workshop on Linked Science 2015, colocated with ISWC 2015., Bethlehem, USA, Sep 2015.


paper  Moving EMLoT towards the web of data: an approach to the representation of humanities citations based on role theory and formal ontology

New Technologies in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, (forthcoming). (part of the 'Envisioning REED in the Digital Age' collection)


paper  How do philosophers think their own discipline? Reports from a knowledge elicitation experiment

European Philosophy and Computing conference, ECAP10, Munich, Germany, Oct 2010.

paper  Data integration perspectives from the London Theatres Bibliography project

Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l'étude des médias interactifs (SDH-SEMI 2010), Montreal, Canada, Jun 2010.


paper  Laying the Conceptual Foundations for Data Integration in the Humanities

Proc. of the Digital Humanities Conference (DH09), Maryland, USA, Jun 2009. pp. 211-215

paper  Meaning and Structure in the London Theatres Bibliography

The Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Los Angeles, CA, USA, Mar 2009.


paper  Capturing Knowledge About Philosophy

Fourth International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP07), Whistler, BC, Canada, Oct 2007. pp. 47-54


paper  Theory of Knowledge in the Postfordistic Society

Undergraduate degree thesis in italian (kindly published as a white-paper by ItConsult SRL), Universita Ca' Foscari, Venice, Italy, Sep 2003.